How it works

AppMap records the behavior of running code into JSON files, and visualizes them in interactive diagrams right in your code editor.

Install and configure the AppMap agent for your language
AppMap agent records executing code as JSON files
The AppMap extension for your code editor displays AppMap Data as interactive diagrams

AppMap agent records executing code as JSON files

Once your app is instrumented, the AppMap agent creates JSON files as you execute test cases, run sample programs, or perform interactive sessions with your app.

AppMap Data can be most conveniently recorded from automated tests, but other methods of recording are preferred in certain situations, such as direct recording of code blocks or remote recording controlled with REST endpoints. Learn more about Recording AppMap Data.

Quick search for HTTP routes, packages, classes, and functions in the left-hand navigation bar

Use the navigation bar for quick navigation to items of interest, for example, HTTP routes, labels, packages, classes, functions.

Use the filtering icon to reduce the number of objects in the AppMap view

Filter out items such as unlabeled code, specific classes or packages, external code, and more.

Show more detailed statistics about your AppMap

Includes the frequency of specific function calls and the size represented within the AppMap. This is helpful when handling large AppMap Diagrams and to reduce their size.

Expand and Collapse the Depth of Sequence Diagrams

This will hide or show all actions that are deeper in the call stack than the selected value, and will result in a more compact diagram. Actions can be expanded or collapsed with the + or - controls to change the depth of the calls shown within your sequence diagram.

Demo of using AppMap Diagrams

This video demonstrates how to use AppMap Diagrams when learning how unfamiliar code works:

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